Free Weeding Printable

I love weeding!  There’s something very satisfying about clearing out the old to make room for the new.  I’ve learned (through trial and error) to be very organized when I weed.  One tool that helps me keep track of the reasons for weeding each book is my weeding bookmark.

The weeding bookmark allows me to make note of why I’m weeding a particular book.  I use the MUSTY acronym as my criteria, and I check off each criteria that pertains to the book in question.  Once I’ve checked the reasons it’s being weeding, I stick the bookmark in the book and place the books on a separate shelf.

The bookmarks come in handy when members of my school community question why I’m “throwing away” books.  It’s easy to pull out the bookmark and give them a brief run-down of the MUSTY criteria and point out why this book meets the criteria.  You can also use the bookmarks as easy reference if you keep permanent records (like in a spreadsheet or in your circ system) about why you certain weeded books.

I’m currently working on re-designing my weeding bookmarks, but I’m happy to share my former version with you.  I hope they help you with your own weeding projects!  You can download the PDF file below or click on the image above.

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Free Library Procedures Printable

I don’t know about you, but I love free printables.  I’m always looking for something to help me get organized and stay organized.

It’s the beginning of the year so you might soon find yourself training parent volunteers, new library staff, or student aides.  In my experience, one of the most difficult things for new library workers to remember are the opening and closing routines.

I’ve created a free printable for you to document your library’s opening and closing routines.  There’s a checklist for several items and a notes section.  You might consider laminating it or putting it in a plastic sleeve protector.  This will allow you to use a dry erase marker to check items off each day.  It’s super easy to get organized AND save paper!

(Click on the images above for larger previews).

You can download the free, 2-page printable in black-and-white or color below (PDF files).

If you liked these printables, please share it with others by tweeting this link or sharing it on Facebook.  

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