Link Love October 2013

Each month I share some of my favorite links from the world of libraries and librarianship!  Enjoy!

A Great Article & Infographic on Weeding

The Adventures of Library Girl with Keeping Your Library Collection Smelling F.R.E.S.H

A Nifty Scheduling Tool

Pegasus Librarian reviews ScheduleOnce, a scheduling app that may provide an affordable option for TL’s trying to automate scheduling classes and student appointments

New Facebook Privacy Rules You Should Know About

InfoDocket outlines the new Facebook privacy policy regarding teens

Fun to Share With Your English Teachers or Literary Friends

Book Riot with The 10 Best Beards in Literature


Fired for Talking Too Loudly from LISNews

An Interesting Piece on the Difference Between Censorship & Criticism

Kelly Jensen via Book Riot with “Let’s Talk About Censorship”

Cool Infographic for Elementary & Middle-Grade Readers

The Busy Librarian shares an infographic from NYPL

Great to Share With Elementary School Parents

The Book Bug With 10 Cyber Safety Videos for Kids & Families

Add These to Your Christmas Wish List (I want the last one shown!)

8 Geek-Tastic Tees for Readers

An Interesting Christian Perspective on Ghost Stories

Her.meneutics/Christianity Today with Ghost Stories for the Christian Soul

Because It’s Halloween…

Book Riot with 15 Adorably Bookish Pet Costumes

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Interview With a Christian School Librarian: Kristen Kramer

The “Interview with a Christian School Librarian” is a series that features Christian school librarians and school library staff (both active and retired) from all over the country.  The goal of this series is create a sense of community among Christian school librarians and to share our professional wisdom.

Kristen Kramer


Kristen Kramer is the Volunteer Librarian at First Christian School in Napa, California. Her “official job” is the pre-school teacher there, and she’s also held several different volunteer positions at the school.

How long have you worked in libraries and how did you get your start?

I have been the librarian for the school for a just over a year now.  I set up our library two summers ago from scratch.  Our school started the accreditation  process and the library was the one area that I could really help to get ready, so I volunteered.  My two children attend the school and I really wanted this for them, too. Several years back I had helped set up a lending library in our past church and before that  I was the manager of a Christian bookstore in Northern California.

What is the most enjoyable part of your job?

By far the most enjoyable part of the job is watching the students get excited about the books available to them in the library.  There are a couple of avid readers in the middle grades that practically beg me to let them help out in the library just to be around the books. I love be able to provide good literature to our students.

What is the biggest challenge?

Can I list two?  Number one- which might be a common one- is the budget. There is no room in our school budget right now to be moved into a paid librarian position and a very small budget for new books and supplies.

My second biggest challenge is the idea of using discernment in book selection for a Christian school library.  I really try to have books that go along with our school’s statement of faith and are compatible with a Christian world view.  For this reason I have created a detailed book selection policy for everyone to refer to.  The process of filtering through donations becomes hard when popular young reader literature is so focused on the paranormal and in our community this genre has infiltrated into the school, too.  These books aren’t appropriate for our library so I look for good alternatives for our students to read both in the Christian and secular book genres.

What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting off?

Since I’m just starting out, I don’t have a lot of advice to give.  One thing I have done, that has been helpful, is to find librarian blogs to follow (like this one) and I joined an email group of Christian school librarians.  I have learned so much from reading about other people’s experiences and listening to the answers of other librarians’ questions.  I also find that Pinterest is helpful for me as I’m just starting off.  I have found dozens of ideas for setting up our library, choosing/cataloging books, and creating library lessons.

Brag a bit!  Tell me about the best thing you’ve done at your library.  Did you implement a program, a policy, or create something you’re proud of?

I have to say that I am most proud of the library itself.  It started as an empty room with a few shelving units, boxes of donated books and an order from Scholastic and now is a small, functional library with separate areas for the little kids, middle grades, and middle school students. The students enjoy sitting on all the beanbags and the tutors use the cafe tables with their students.  We even have a reading loft that I built that the kids love to sit in and read.  It’s a cozy yet fun space that promotes reading and exploring.  This year we will have a computer system set up and I’m really looking forward to that!

What are some of the issues you deal with that you feel are unique to Christian school librarians?

I think I might have covered this in the question about the challenges- limited funding and a conservative book selection policy.  I know we are not the only source of books for the kids and, frankly, I don’t want to be.  We can just be the best we can with what we have. There is a wealth of great books that families can find at the local public library, the local bookstore, or online.

My thanks to Kristen for taking the time to answer my questions!  If you’d like to be interviewed for this series, click here to let me know about your interest! ThisShare on Facebook+1Share on LinkedInPin it on PinterestSubmit to redditSubmit to StumbleUponShare on TumblrShare on Twitter Share

Log In Tracker: Free Printable

Have you ever thought about how many different online usernames and passwords we have to keep track of on a daily basis?

I have to remember usernames and passwords for Amazon, Follett, my library management program, Google Docs, my school email, supply vendors, my blog, our online attendance software, and so many more!

I created this free Log In Tracker Printable to help you keep track of all your different username and password combinations.

Now, obviously usernames and passwords are sensitive information.  That’s why I created the space for a password hint instead of the password itself.  You might also consider keeping this file in a secure drawer and away from students.  I also recommend you use a pencil so you can keep it updated in the event of any password changes.

Buy this on Selz
Sell digital downloads on Selz

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Interview With a Christian School Librarian: Bruce Cummings

The “Interview with a Christian School Librarian” is a series that features Christian school librarians and school library staff (both active and retired) from all over the world.  The goal of this series is create a sense of community among Christian school librarians and to share our professional wisdom.

Bruce Cummings


Bruce Cummings is the teacher librarian at Davis High Senior School in Davis, California.

How long have you worked in libraries and how did you get your start?

I started in 1995, shortly before I received my MLIS at San Jose State University. Anticipating the completion of my degree program, and in a job that barely paid a living wage, I responded to a job posting for library media teacher at El Camino High School in South San Francisco. I was drawn to the position partly because of a family tradition of teaching (I’m a third generation teacher from both parents). I still had more classes to take for the credential process, which I address in the “biggest challenge.”

What is the most enjoyable part of your job?

I enjoy working with students at the secondary level, and I particularly enjoy seeing students experience the joy of discovery, especially if it is of something that is of personal importance to the student (as opposed to a school assigned topic).

What is the biggest challenge?

Going through the process to get a single subject credential, then the library credential, was a bit tedious, but I ultimately embraced it. I think the greatest work challenge is persuading teachers (and students) of the lasting value of the skills I teach. While a single visit to the library may be life changing for a few, in my experience it is the repeated practice of essential skills that bears the most proficient fruit. This tends to be at odds with the “instant results” mentality that so often seems to be governing how schools are evaluated.

What advice would you give to someone just starting off?

Make sure you love what you do, especially in California, which is downright hostile to school librarians. Apart from that, see yourself in a support role for everybody at the school–students, teachers and administrators. Look to expand your influence (with appropriate boundaries!) rather than limit it. My greatest success stories are with those who are the “last, least, lost” groups, like new teachers, and teachers of challenging student populations (such as special ed and English language learners). I rarely see Advanced Placement classes in the library.

Brag a bit!  Tell me about the best thing you’ve done at your library.  Did you implement a program, a policy, or create something you’re proud of?

By following my advice (above), I embraced a “School to Career” (STC) curriculum in South San Francisco. The early recruits dreaded writing the curriculum, and I invited myself to their meetings. I became the STC coordinator a few years later. It was attached to the English and Social Studies departments, but each grade (9-12) had a unit, which had part or all of its STC curriculum in the library. It became a great vehicle for me to teach information literacy skills, but connected to content, rather than in isolation. That probably impacted the greatest number of students. But I’ve also been instrumental in helping the special education program to explain itself to the rest of the school, and in promoting the use of effective teaching strategies with special needs students to all students.

What are some of the issues you deal with that you feel are unique to Christian school librarians?

I can’t really think of issues that would be unique to Christian school librarians, except in how they are handled. I am mindful that when I am “on duty,” I am an agent of the state, and usually with a captive audience. I cannot proselytize. However, I can encourage students to seek out information from a variety of sources, which may include Biblical sources or Christian organizations.

Do you have any thoughts on how Christian librarians in secular schools can be lights for Christ while adhering to workplace rules about sharing our faith?

I will sometimes refer to myself when helping students unpack a controversial issue they are researching, especially where values are being examined. Many students need help looking at “contrary evidence” to avoid setting up a straw man argument. Students who find themselves either in sympathy with a Christian position, or opposed to it, find they cannot merely declare their position “right” by fiat. By seeing an adult willing to discuss values without becoming defensive, students can approach difficult topics with more humility and thoughtfulness. I hope through this to give Christian students a deeper understanding of a viewpoint they may have “inherited.” And for non-Christians, they learn that Christian viewpoints cannot be easily dismissed, at least if intellectual integrity matters to them. I have also been the faculty advisor for a student Christian club, although I don’t see that as a role unique to school librarians. My discussion has been in the context of students, but by supporting  the “last, least and lost” among my colleagues, I have had a positive impact there, as well.

Many thanks to Bruce for taking the time to answer my questions and share his thoughts!   If you’d like to be interviewed for this series, click here to let me know about your interest! ThisShare on Facebook+1Share on LinkedInPin it on PinterestSubmit to redditSubmit to StumbleUponShare on TumblrShare on Twitter Share